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15. November 2012
Quelle: Deutsche Orient-Gesellschaft

Hands-on History of Science: German Oriental Society commemorates the 100th anniversary of the excavations in Uruk-Warka (Iraq)


The German Oriental Society commemorates the beginning of the excavations in the ancient metropolis of Uruk (today Warka, south Iraq), the city of the legendary ruler Gilgamesh, with two parallel, well-publicized events. The exhibition „Uruk – 5000 Years of a Megacity”, the result of a close scientific cooperation between the Vorderasiatische Museum Berlin, the Reiss Engelhorn Museums Mannheim, the Orient Department of the German Archaeological Institute, as well as the German Oriental Society will take place at the Pergamon Museum on the Museum Island in Berlin from 25 April 2013 to 8 September 2013, and afterwards at the Reiss Engelhorn Museums (20 October 2013 to 21 April 2014).

“We wish to present the topic ‚Uruk‘ to a broad public, not only because the excavations in this unique ruin site are a scientific milestone in the history of the German Oriental Society, but also because for several millennia the ‚Megacity‘ Uruk has constituted one of the most fascinating culmination points of social life in ancient Mesopotamia” explains Markus Hilgert, president of the German Oriental Society and Professor of Assyriology at Heidelberg University. „Especially against the background of the current political developments in the countries of the Near East, we also aim to raise public awareness for the richness and importance of the cultural heritage that mankind possesses with the urban centers of the ancient Near East. The fundamental research that cuneiform researchers and archaeologists still have to perform in the decades to come is immeasurable”, says Hilgert with regard to the present-day relevance of the topic.

Since 1898, the Berlin based German Oriental Society has been working for the scientific study of Near East. The society has two essential aims: On the one hand it promotes the research of the history and cultures of the Near East and its relations to its neighboring regions, especially by supporting relevant excavation projects. On the other hand it aims to make the research results accessible to a broader public, above all through a multitude of scientific and popular publications. Today, the German Oriental Society also serves as an expert representation of Near Eastern Studies (Near Eastern Archeaology, Assyriology) in Germany and is a founding member of the German Association for Archaeology (Registered Association).


German Oriental Society (Registered Association)
Chairman, Prof. Dr. Markus Hilgert
c/o Heidelberg University – Heidelberg Center for Cultural Heritage
Marstallstr. 6 · 69117 Heidelberg





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